
They come from North America and the white ones weigh between 10 and 20 kilos. The domestication of this bird took place 2000 years ago in Mexico.

Vietnamese Pigs

Around 1985, these piglets were imported into Europe, Canada and the United States from Vietnam with great commercial success.

Fallow Deers

These are fawns which are one of the 3 species of the Greek fauna. In children's fairy tales, it is the classic deer with dots.


It is famous for its proverbial patience and is a symbol of humility, which is also indicated in the New Testament with the entry of Christ into Jerusalem.


It is the largest bird in Australia and the second largest bird in the world after the ostrich. Their legs are among the strongest of all animals!


The llama (pronounced in Spanish: Yama) also called sheep-camel in Greek, is a herbivorous mammal that belongs to the Camelidae family and it is a relative of the camel


Mandarins are monogamous animals and lay 12 eggs per year. This is an extremely brave duck since he will easily fight with any of his elders.


It is a bird that is much loved and graces the yards of many homes. The male differs greatly from the female, thanks to its striking appearance.

Guinea Pigs

Despite their name they do not come from India but from the Andes!


Ducks lay 40-50 eggs a year and incubate them in 23 to 26 days depending on the species.


Provided they receive proper care, rabbits can become friendly and playful.


Geese feed mainly on seeds (such as corn, wheat and barley), young shoots and insects.

White Swans

When they feel threatened, swans will do anything to protect their young!

Black Swans

Just talk to them in a childlike way and they will give you endless moments with their beautiful voices and delicate movements.


Their eggs take about 17 days to hatch and are renowned for their excellent nutritional value.


The pheasant is characterized by strong racial dimorphism, as the female pheasant is smaller in size than the male and does not have striking colors.

Brahma Chicken

It is characterized not only by its large size but also by the abundance of feathers that grow everywhere, even on the toes.


It is estimated that there are more than 23 billion hens worldwide and they are one of the most important creatures for meat and egg production.

Goose Ducks

The male has a characteristic plume while both genders have a red stripe on the sides of the head.


It is a small horse which, compared to the big one, may have a thicker coat, mane, and tail. Proportionally to its body, it has short legs, a wider chest, heavier bones and a thicker neck.


Short haired sheep are from Asia and especially from Tibet.


It is found throughout southern Asia. It is a subspecies of the domestic cow whose main characteristic is a scaly bump at the end of the back.

African Dwarf Goats

It gives birth to one to four different pups every nine to twelve months after a five-month gestation period and produces large amounts of milk despite its small size.

Our Zoo

Our zoo hosts animals of the Greek farm house and world fauna. With your help, we maintain it and will never stop improving it for everyone's enjoyment.

We are raising our
animals with love

We are raising our animals with love


They are omnivores and males are solitary, while females live in groups of 30.

Mara Of Patagonia

These are very special rodents that live in the desert scrublands of Argentina.

Sheep of Cameroon

These little sheep live in West Africa and especially in the savannas of Cameroon.


It has a characteristic a black "mask" in the area of ​​the eyes and the striped tail that has 5-10 rings, and the front legs are very similar to human ones.


These are freshwater turtles, they are divided into yellow-cheeked and red-cheeked and they come from North America.


Rheas are the third largest birds in the world and are recorded from South America living in large areas of tall grass.


Providing an ideal environment for growth, our lake welcomes fish species such as trout, carp and sturgeon.


Angora goats originate from the Ankara region of Turkey and are widely known for their luxurious wool, mohair, which is particularly soft and valuable.


In case of danger, they defend themselves with their spines, which they shoot out if necessary.